
My "secrets" to NOT gaining weight while traveling or on vacation!



No one wants to go on vacation and say “NO” to EVERYTHING! NO, I can’t eat that! NO, I can’t drink that! NO, I can’t do that! NO, I have to workout or go to the gym! The list goes on and on and on!!!

I used to be that girl that flat out said “NO” to going vacation or a weekend away, because I was so scared of the temptations it would include and that it would completely ruin my progress or fitness goals.

Here are the things I learned, that has helped me to go on vacation without gaining weight OR loosing progress! Follow these steps and you will be saying “YES” to vacation, “YES” to that meal, “YES” to that drink and “YES” to living life!

1-      Get your 7-8 hours of sleep!

If you are going to bed a little later, sleep in a little bit! Traveling can be super hard on your body. Ensuring you get an adequate amount of sleep, will help to keep the stress levels in you body low, assist in food digestion, regulate mood and the hunger sensation AND it will give you the energy you need to enjoy your trip.

2-      Workout in the morning.

Get up! Get dressed! And go to the gym! Chances are that your friends want to go to brunch, go sightseeing, go to the beach, go do some random activity or if your friends are like mine, they want to have bottomless mimosas! So while your friends are still snoozing, get up and do a quick workout. This can be a 20-30min workout (OR longer if you are an over achiever, lol). It’s better to get your workout done in the morning, because this will not only free up your day, but also your mind. You did it, it’s done and you don’t have to worry about it! Have that mimosa!

3-      Full Body workout.

This tip is connected to step 2! Chances are you can’t workout everyday and that you don’t have all the time and equipment available that you usually do. So this is NOT the time to break up your workouts by muscle group. You goal is to sweat, burn calories and to get those muscles working! So choose exercises that will target all the main muscle groups and get your blood pumping! Also remember that you are on VACATION!! Go on a bike ride, hike up a mountain or walk 20 000 steps to see all of Paris 😊 ! Go make those memories while also staying active!

4-      Pick your protein!

This is something I tell my client’s to do daily when cooking and every time they go to a restaurant. Find the protein! Once you find the protein, you can choose or build your meal around it! If you fill up on protein, you are less likely to fill up on unhealthy carbs. We all have a favorite protein we actually ENJOY eating. For me that is salmon and chicken. I ask to add it to my salad, pizza, pasta or whatever it is I’m craving. And if my Entre already includes one of my favorite proteins, I will adjust the side dishes where needed.

5-      Don’t skip meals!

There are two reasons you don’t want to skip meals. 1- You stand the chance of slowing down your metabolism, because your body is holding on to your meals, not knowing when it will receive another. 2- The next time you eat, you will likely OVER-eat! Keeping the timing between your meals consistent, will prevent you from becoming over-hungry and then over-eating. Also have protein bars or other healthy snacks close by for when you are on the move and need something to hold you over until the next meal.

6-      Pay attention to portion sizes.

Pay attention to the portions being served, as most restaurant serve more than 1 serving.  Rather eat what you desire/crave, but eat a little less of it. You can have that pizza you crave, but it doesn’t mean you have to eat a Large by yourself 😉 !

7-      Drink lots of water!

This is probably one of the most important points! Drinking lots of water will not only keep you hydrated, but it will help with reducing cravings when you aren’t really hungry. It will also keep your skin from getting super dry while traveling, assist in the digestion of your food and will also help prevent you from over-eating. My friends always make fun of me because I carry a water bottle everywhere I go, but having a bottle with me that I can easily fill and refill, makes it easy for me to drink all the water I need!

8-      Choose your drink wisely!

Nothing screams “VACATION” more to me than a Piña colada! So it’s typically the first drink I order. It satisfies the craving, is wayyy too sweet and makes me not want more, lol! Like one salad won’t make you skinny, one sugary drink won’t make you fat! So have that drink you crave! But after that, choose drinks that are lower in sugar. Opt for Rose’, a Vodka soda or a skinny margarita! And once again remember to drink lots of water in between! It will make you drink your cocktail slower and help avoid that nasty hangover in the morning!

Safe Travels!!!

(Personal Trainer @ Balance Me Fit)